VGather 使用條款
本使用條款為規範您使用本公司(VGather Limited,以下簡稱「本公司」)之 VGather APP(以下簡稱「本 APP」)時之所有行為。開始使用本 APP 前,請您仔細閱讀本使用條款。使用本
APP,即表示您接受並同意遵守本使用條款。若您不同意本條款及條件,請您勿對本 APP 作任何使用之行為。本公司有權隨時修訂本使用條款,無須向您通知,且該等新版之使用條款,於本公司公告後,您若仍繼續使用本
APP,則您繼續使用之行為,應視為您同意新版之使用條款,以拘束您對本 APP 繼續使用之行為。因此請您不定時查閱本使用條款。您若依法缺乏同意本條款之完全行為能力,您應於得到您法定代理人之同意後,方得使用本 APP。
個人資料保護:本公司相當重視對您個人資料及私隱的保護。本公司依私隱條例相關規定及本 APP 之私隱權政策,蒐集,處理及利用您的個人資料。使用本 APP,即表示您同意本公司對您個人資料的蒐集,處理及利用
本 APP 使用之授權:本公司授權您得透過正常且合法之網際網路連線,依本公司於本 APP 之設計內容,於本使用條款之限制下,授予您暫時性使用,訪問之權利。您使用本 APP
之權利為非專屬,不可轉讓,不可再授權之權利,且除依與本公司其他之書面特約外,不得為您商業性使用之權利。當您離開或不再使用本 APP 時,此等授權即告終止。本公司得隨時限制本 APP 使用者,對本 APP
使用之任何權利範圍加以限制,若本 APP 在任何時間或期間因故無法造訪,您將無使用本 APP 之權利。若本公司認為您未遵守本使用條款,或有任何違法或不當使用本 APP 之情形者,本公司有權禁
止您使用本 APP 或拒絕提供您任何本公司透過本 APP 所提供之服務。
本 APP 智識產權之保留:除非您為智識產權之權利人或受授權人,否則您不得對本 APP 相關之所有智識產權,包括但不限:專利權,著作權,商標權及營業秘密等,主張您對該等智識產權享有任何權利。本 APP
相關之所有智識產權,均歸屬於原權利人所有,您使用本 APP 之行為,不構成任
您對本公司之授權:透過使用本 APP,除另有與本公司之書面約定外,您同意授權予本公司就所有您提供予本公司或本 APP 或透過本 APP
您有一切必要之權利,權力及授權得上傳您所提供之內容至本 APP,並向不特定多數人公開該等內容;
您的授權及上傳,公開之內容並未無任何違法或侵犯第三人之權利(包括但不限於:智識產權,個人資料保護 之權利或私隱權)之情事。您上傳至本 APP
之任何內容均為非機密及非專屬性之內容,且本公司有權基於任何正當目的以任何合法之方法使用該等內容。若第三人主張您於(或透過)本 APP
您於(或透過)本 APP 上傳或公開之內容,無任何不實,引人錯誤或違法情形;及
您為(或透過)本 APP 上傳或公開內容之提供,散佈者,非由本公司所提供或散佈;您應對該等內容負完全之法律責任,本公司不付任何責任,以監視或控制您所提交之內容是否有違法或侵害他人權利之情事。
帳號及密碼:若本公司允許您於本 APP 註冊帳號者,您應設置具有安全性且不易被破解之密碼(請避免使用您生日,電話號碼等不具安全性之密碼)。且您應對您的帳號,密碼妥善保管,且不對他人分享。如因您密碼不具安全性或您未能
合理使用本 APP 之限制:為了使您合理使用本 APP,您的使用除了受本
透過使用本 APP,您不應侵犯本公司或任何第三人之任何權利,亦不應為任何違法之行為;
您不應在未經本公司許可下,透過本 APP 蒐集,處理或利用其他人之個人資料;
您使用本 APP 時,不應冒用他人之任何社群 APP 之帳號,或他人之身分,姓名,別名,暱稱,綽號或其他任何個人資料;
您不應有透過本 APP 傷害未成年人士之行為;
您不應有任何駭客,側錄本 APP,故意引入電腦病毒,木馬程式或任何惡意程式及軟體之行為;亦不應未經授權存取,轉錄本 APP 及其伺服器內容,或任何試圖影響本 APP
您不應有任何於(或透過)本 APP 有侮辱,誹謗,恐嚇,仇視性,歧視性,猥褻,色情,暴力之行為或散佈任何此等內容;
您不應於(或透過)本 APP 散佈任何使人誤以為來自於本公司之訊息或內容。若您有任何違反本使用條款之行 為者,本公司有權(但非有義務)得自行斟酌片面暫停或終止對您提供本 APP
之任何服務,立即,暫時或永久移除您所發佈的任何內 容,以及依法採取本公司認定適切之法律行動。
連結至本APP:在採取正當且合法之方式且不損害或利用本公司或本APP 聲譽之前提下,您可以建立連結至本 APP 頁面之連結內容。 然而此等連結內容,不應有任何暗示與本公司或本 APP
連結至第三方 APP:本 APP 可能會含有連結至其他非屬本公司控制之 APP(以下稱「外部 APP」)之內容(以下稱「連結內容」)。 外部 APP
是由第三方所負責經營,營運,維持,管理等,本公司無法也不應對第三方 APP
之內容,產品或服務負任何責任。本 APP 上包含 該等連結內容,不應被認定為本 APP 對外部 APP 之內容,產品或服務為任何授權,保證,認可或代言。您應直接參考外部 APP 上之
相關使用條款及私隱權政策。您同意本公司不對您使用外部 APP 所生之任何爭議,損失,損害負任何法律責任。您應直接與外部 APP 之擁 有者,管理者或相關人士解決該等法律紛爭。
責任限制:本公司於本 APP 上所提供之服務及訊息內容,均依本公司於本 APP 提供時之現狀提供給您,而此等現狀可能偶爾會有瑕
您負任何法律上之損害賠償責任者,您同意本公司及受免責人之損害賠償範圍僅限於您依法證明之所受損害,而不包含您的所失利益, 您所耗費的時間或任何純粹經濟上之損失。您亦同意且留意到,本公司並無義務時時更新本公司於本
上所提供之服務及訊息之內容, 因此本公司並不保證本 APP 上之服務或訊息均為最新之內容或無任何瑕疵。同時,本公司盡力採取合理之安全措施,以維護本 APP 之安
全性。然而網際網路並非全然安全的環境,本公司不擔保您於本 APP 取
保證賠償及違約效果:您保證您使用本 APP 時,將完全遵守本使用條款之規定。如因您違反本使用條款之規定,有任何人向本公司
罰金或任何懲罰)及費用(包括但不限於律師費用及相關法律程序或訴訟成本支出)。若您有任何違反本使用條款或其他您與本公司間 之約定者,本公司有權得隨時暫時或永久停用您的帳號,拒絕您使用本
若您與本公司間除本使用條款外,另有任何約定者:凡本使用條款所未規定者,則適用該等約定之內容; 凡該等約定內容未規定者,則適用本使用條款之規定;如該等約定之內容與本條款規定有所衝突者,則該等約定
之內容應優先 適用。
若本使用條款有任何一部被認定為無效,違法或不可執行,該無效,違法或不可執行之部分,應在法律許 可之下,以相類似之經濟意義之條款內容取代之;如無此條款得以取代,該無效,違法或不可執行之部分,應被
視為未記載於本 使用條款之內,而不影響其他條款之效力。
Version 1.0
Publish Date: June 15, 2018
本公司(VGather Limited,以下簡稱「本公司」)致力於保護您的個人資料及私隱權。本私隱權政策羅列了本公 司蒐集,處理,利用您提供的個人資料之細節。請您於使用本 APP(VGather APP 以下簡稱「本
APP」)前,仔細閱讀本私隱權政策。使用本 APP,即表示您接受並同意遵守本私隱權政策。若您不同意本私隱權政策,請您勿對本 APP 為任何使用之行為。本公司得隨時修訂本
私隱權政策,無須向您通知,且該等新版之政策,於本公司公告後,您若仍繼續使用本 APP,則您繼續使用之行為,應視為您同意新版之 政策,以適用在您對本 APP
繼續使用之行為。因此請您不定時查閱本政策。您若依法缺乏同意本政策之完全行為能力,您應於得到您法定代理人之同意後,方得使用本 APP。
個人資料蒐集者:本公司 VGather Limited 為蒐集您所提供之個人資料者。
本公司並補充蒐集您個人資料之具體類別內容,將可能包括:您的姓名,別名,綽號,暱稱,肖像, 年齡,性別,電子郵件,電話號碼,地址,社群 APP(軟體)上之帳號及活動資訊,您的社會活動內容記錄(包含您的照片,
影片或聲音),您所在的地點及時間,您的電腦或電子裝置之資訊(包含:Cookies,網際網路通訊協定位址或 IP 位址), 您使用本 APP
之任何活動紀錄等;若您為本公司之網頁使用廠商,本公司蒐集之個人資料將可能進一步包括您的商業活動資料 內與自然人有關之個人資料,這些人可
APP 或軟體上發布之內容或相關活動紀錄,進行消費者活動或行銷效果分析或對您進行產品或服務行銷 行為;或者將您透過使用本 APP 所上傳之資料,公佈於本 APP 所連結之社群 APP 或軟體(例如:Facebook
臉書)與您相關之頁面上, 並公開予不特定多數人閱覽。因此您若有任何欲透過本 APP 上傳之相關社群 APP 或軟體之內容,屬於不欲公開予不特定多數人閱覽者, 請您切勿使用本 APP。因此,您對於您將透過本 APP
請求本公司製給您位於本公司之個人資料複製本。惟請您注意,若您行使上述兩項權利時, 本公司依法得向您酌收必要之成本費用。具體成本費用本公司將於提供您查詢,閱覽或複製本前,向您說明。
請求刪除您位於本公司之個人資料。惟請您注意,當您行使第(iv)或(v)項之權利時, 如因本公司執行業務所必須者,本公司依法仍有權拒絕您行使此等權利。
不提供個人資料對您的影響:若您不同意提供您的個人資料予本公司者,您將可能無法使用本 APP 之部分或全部功能, 您亦可能無法透過使用本 APP 而取得或享有本公司所直接提供予您之全部或部分產品,服務或相關優惠內容。
於以下情形可能將您的個人資料揭露予第三人處理, 利用:
本公司使用第三人協助本公司經營本 APP 時(例如:本公司之服務供應商,資料庫代管公司, 代理商,通訊資料代管公司,電子郵件服務供應商,
若您使用本 APP 之行為,依本公司之判斷有任何侵害他人權利之虞時,為使他人得合法保障自身權利,本公司得將您的個人資料揭露予該他人;
您的同意:本公司已依法向您告知個人資料保護法要求所應告知您之事項,若您拒絕同意本公司蒐集,處理, 利用您的個人資料者,請您切勿使用本 APP 之任何服務。若您仍繼續使用本
若您無法取得該等個人資料當事人之同意者,本公司並無意願蒐集,處理,利用其個人資料,請您切勿提供該等當事人之個人資料予 本公司。若您違反本條規定者,即屬違反本 APP 之 APP
版本 2.0
發佈日期: 2024 年 3 月 11 日
VGather Terms of Use
These terms of use govern all your actions when using the VGather APP (hereinafter referred to as "this APP")
provided by our company (VGather Limited, hereinafter referred to as "our company"). Before starting to use this
APP, please carefully read these terms of use. Your use of this APP indicates that you accept and agree to
comply with these terms of use. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, please refrain from any use
of this APP. Our company reserves the right to revise these terms of use at any time without notifying you. Upon
the announcement of the revised terms, if you continue to use this APP, your continued use shall be deemed
acceptance of the revised terms, binding you to comply with them. Therefore, please check these terms of use
periodically. If you lack the legal capacity to fully consent to these terms, you must obtain the consent of
your legal representative before using this APP.
Personal Data Protection: Our company places great importance on the protection of your personal data and
privacy. In accordance with privacy regulations and the privacy policy of this APP, our company collects,
processes, and utilizes your personal data. By using this APP, you indicate your consent to our company's
collection, processing, and utilization of your personal data, and you agree and warrant that the
information you provide is accurate.
Authorization for the Use of this APP: Our company authorizes you to temporarily use and access this APP
through normal and legal internet connections, subject to the design content of this APP and the
restrictions in these terms of use. Your right to use this APP is non-exclusive, non-transferable, and
non-assignable, and except as otherwise expressly provided in a written agreement with our company, you may
not use it for commercial purposes. When you leave or cease to use this APP, this authorization terminates.
Our company may, at any time, restrict users of this APP and limit any rights related to the use of this
APP. If, for any reason, this APP cannot be accessed at any time or during any period, you will have no
right to use this APP. If our company determines that you have not complied with these terms of use or
engaged in any illegal or improper use of this APP, our company has the right to prohibit your use of this
APP or refuse to provide you with any services provided by our company through this APP.
Reservation of Intellectual Property Rights for this APP: Unless you are the right holder or an authorized
person of the intellectual property rights, you may not claim any rights to the intellectual property,
including but not limited to patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets, related to this APP. All
intellectual property rights related to this APP belong to the original right holder. Your use of this APP
does not constitute any express or implied grant or transfer of any intellectual property rights to you by
our company.
Your Authorization to Our Company: By using this APP, unless otherwise agreed in writing with our company,
you agree to grant our company a free, non-exclusive, transferable, sublicensable, commercial and
non-commercial use, unlimited and global authorization for all intellectual property rights related to any
content you provide to our company or this APP, including but not limited to patents, copyrights,
trademarks, and trade secrets. This includes the right for our company to provide any content you submit to
our company to related vendors for business analysis, consumer behavior, or marketing benefits. You hereby
declare and warrant that:
You have all necessary rights, powers, and authorizations to grant our company the above rights.
Your authorization and submission of content do not violate any laws or infringe on the rights of
third parties (including but not limited to intellectual property rights, rights to personal data
protection, or privacy rights).
Your submitted content is non-confidential and non-exclusive, and our company has the right to use
the content for any legitimate purpose in any lawful manner. If a third party claims that the
content you uploaded or disclosed through this APP infringes its rights, our company has the right
to provide your relevant personal information to that third party.
The content you upload or disclose through this APP is truthful, not misleading, and not illegal.
You are the provider and distributor of the content uploaded or disclosed through this APP, not
provided or distributed by our company. You shall bear full legal responsibility for such content,
and our company assumes no responsibility for monitoring or controlling whether the content you
submit is illegal or infringes on the rights of others.
Account and Password: If our company allows you to register an account on this APP, you should set a secure
and not easily crackable password (please avoid using your birthday, phone number, or other insecure
passwords). You should also properly safeguard your account and password and not share them with others. If
your account is used without authorization due to the lack of security of your password or your failure to
properly safeguard your account and password, our company is not responsible for any legal liability. You
also warrant that the information (including but not limited to personal information) you provide to our
company when creating the account is correct. If there are errors or impersonation in the information you
provide, you shall bear full legal responsibility, and our company shall not be liable for any legal
liability arising from such matters.
Restrictions on the Reasonable Use of this APP: In order to allow you to use this APP reasonably, your use
is subject to the restrictions of these terms of use in addition to other regulations stipulated in these
terms. You agree to the following restrictions:
You shall not infringe on the rights of our company or any third party, nor engage in any illegal
activities through the use of this APP.
Without the permission of our company, you shall not collect, process, or utilize the personal data
of others through this APP.
When using this APP, you shall not impersonate any social APP account of others or use the identity,
name, alias, nickname, or other personal information of others.
You shall not engage in any behavior through this APP that harms minors.
You shall not engage in any hacking, eavesdropping on this APP, intentional introduction of computer
viruses, Trojan horses, or any malicious programs and software. You shall not access or transcribe
the content of this APP and its servers without authorization or engage in any behavior that
attempts to affect the normal operation of this APP or any behavior that may violate the law.
You shall not engage in any behavior through this APP (or involving this APP) that is insulting,
defamatory, threatening, hateful, discriminatory, obscene, or violent, or disseminate any such
You shall not distribute any content through this APP that could be mistaken for originating from
our company. If you violate these terms of use, our company has the right (but not the obligation)
to unilaterally suspend or terminate any services provided to you through this APP, immediately,
temporarily, or permanently remove any content you have posted, and take any legal action deemed
appropriate by our company.
Linking to this APP: Provided that it is done in a fair and legal manner and does not harm or exploit the
reputation of our company or this APP, you may create links to the content of this APP pages. However, such
linked content should not imply any association, authorization, endorsement, or any relationship that does
not actually exist between our company or this APP.
Links to Third-Party APPs: This APP may contain content that links to other APPs not controlled by our
company (hereinafter referred to as "External APPs"). External APPs are operated, operated, maintained, and
managed by third parties, and our company cannot and should not be held responsible for the content,
products, or services of third-party APPs. The inclusion of such linked content on this APP should not be
construed as our APP's authorization, endorsement, or endorsement of the content, products, or services of
External APPs. You should refer directly to the relevant terms of use and privacy policies on External APPs.
You agree that our company is not responsible for any disputes, losses, or damages arising from your use of
External APPs. You should directly resolve any legal disputes with the owners, managers, or relevant
individuals of External APPs.
Limitation of Liability: The services and information content provided by our company on this APP are
provided to you in their current state at the time of provision on this APP, and this state may occasionally
have defects. To the extent permitted by law, you agree that our company (including our company's affiliated
companies, shareholders, directors, managers, employees, representatives, agents, legal advisors, etc.,
hereinafter collectively referred to as "Exempted Persons") shall not be liable for any defects,
infringements, non-performance of debts, or other legal liabilities. If our company or the Exempted Persons
are still legally obligated to compensate you for any damage, you agree that the scope of compensation for
our company and the Exempted Persons is limited to the damage you can legally prove, excluding any lost
profits, time spent, or purely economic losses incurred by you. You also agree and acknowledge that our
company is not obligated to update the content of the services and information provided by our company on
this APP at all times. Therefore, our company does not guarantee that the services or information on this
APP are the latest or without any defects. At the same time, our company makes every effort to take
reasonable security measures to maintain the security of this APP. However, the Internet is not a completely
secure environment, and our company does not guarantee that any service or information you obtain on this
APP is free of computer viruses or completely secure.
Guarantee Compensation and Default Effects: You guarantee that when using this APP, you will fully comply
with the provisions of these terms of use. If you violate the provisions of these terms of use and anyone
claims for any damage compensation or legal liability against our company and/or the Exempted Persons, you
guarantee to compensate our company and the Exempted Persons for all damages, losses, and expenses incurred
by them (including but not limited to lawyer's fees and related legal proceedings or litigation costs), as
well as all damages, losses (including but not limited to the damages, lost profits, and fines, penalties,
or any punishment incurred by our company or the Exempted Persons), and expenses (including but not limited
to lawyer's fees and related legal proceedings or litigation costs) incurred by you for such recovery. If
you have any violations of these terms of use or any other agreements between you and our company, our
company has the right to temporarily or permanently disable your account, refuse your use of this APP, and
terminate any relevant legal relationships between you and our company due to such agreements. This does not
affect the right of our company to claim any legal liability from you.
Other Matters:
If there are any other agreements between you and our company in addition to these terms of use: The
content of those agreements shall apply to matters not stipulated in these terms; If those
agreements do not stipulate a matter, these terms shall apply; if there is a conflict between the
content of those agreements and these terms, the content of those agreements shall take precedence.
If any part of these terms of use is deemed invalid, illegal, or unenforceable, that invalid,
illegal, or unenforceable part shall be replaced with terms that are economically equivalent under
legal conditions, and if there are no terms that can replace them, that invalid, illegal, or
unenforceable part shall be deemed not included in these terms of use, without affecting the
effectiveness of other terms.
Without the prior written consent of our company, you may not transfer the rights or obligations
granted to you by these terms of use to others.
You agree that our company may transfer the rights or obligations obtained through these terms of
use to others.
The titles of these terms of use are for convenience purposes only, and the interpretation of these
terms of use shall be based on the content of the terms, not affected by the titles.
Version 1.0
Publish Date: June 15, 2018
Privacy Policy
Our company (VGather Limited, hereinafter referred to as "the Company") is committed to protecting your personal
data and privacy. This privacy policy outlines the details of the collection, processing, and utilization of
your personal data by the Company. Please read this privacy policy carefully before using the VGather APP
(hereinafter referred to as "the App"). Your use of the App indicates that you accept and agree to comply with
this privacy policy. If you do not agree with this privacy policy, please refrain from any use of the App. The
Company reserves the right to revise this privacy policy at any time without notifying you. Your continued use
of the App after the announcement of the revised policy indicates your acceptance of the revised terms.
Therefore, please check this privacy policy periodically. If you lack the legal capacity to fully consent to
this privacy policy, you must obtain the consent of your legal representative before using the App.
Personal Data Collector: The personal data collector is VGather Limited.
Specific Categories of Personal Data: The Company may collect, process, and utilize the following categories
of your personal data: your name, alias, nickname, portrait, age, gender, email, phone number, address,
account information on social APPs (software), activity information, records of your social activities
(including photos, videos, or audio), your location and time, information about your computer or electronic
device (including Cookies, internet protocol address or IP address), and any activity logs while using the
App. If you are a business user of the Company's web services, additional personal data collected may
include business-related data associated with natural persons, such as your representatives, directors,
managers, or employees.
Duration, Region, Recipients, and Methods of Personal Data Utilization: The Company will process and utilize
your personal data within the necessary period and region to achieve the purposes of collecting your
personal data. Your personal data may be provided to third parties necessary for the achievement of the
above purposes. This may include, but is not limited to, the use of your content or related activity records
on social APPs or software for consumer behavior or marketing analysis or for marketing actions towards you.
The Company may also publicly disclose the content you upload through the App on pages linked to social APPs
or software (e.g., Facebook) related to you, making it available for public viewing. Therefore, if you have
any content you do not want to be publicly disclosed to the general public through the App, please refrain
from using the App. Your uploaded content through the App may become publicly accessible, and such public
content may not be protected by privacy rights.
Rights to Personal Data Protection: In accordance with legal requirements, you have the following rights
regarding the personal data collected, processed, and utilized by the Company:
Inquire or request access to your personal data held by the Company.
Request the Company to provide you with a copy of your personal data held by the Company. Please
note that the Company may charge necessary costs for providing the inquiry, access, or copy.
Request the Company to supplement or correct your personal data held by the Company.
Request the Company to cease collecting, processing, or utilizing your personal data held by the
Request the Company to delete your personal data held by the Company. Please note that when
exercising the rights mentioned in items (iv) or (v), the Company may refuse the exercise of these
rights if necessary for the Company's business operations.
Impact of Non-Provision of Personal Data: If you refuse to provide your personal data to the Company, you
may not be able to use some or all of the functions of the App, and you may not be able to obtain or enjoy
all or part of the products, services, or related offers directly provided to you by the Company through the
Information Disclosure: In addition to collecting, processing, and utilizing your personal data in
accordance with legal requirements, the Company may disclose your personal data to third parties for
processing and utilization in the following circumstances:
When the Company uses third parties to assist in the operation of the App (such as service
providers, database hosting companies, agents, communication data hosting companies, email service
providers, data analysis companies), the Company may disclose your personal data to such third
The Company may submit your personal data to related enterprises of the Company within the scope
necessary for group operations.
In the event of selling the business, assets, or shares of the Company, the Company may disclose
your personal data to the expected transaction counterparty within the scope of the specific
purposes mentioned above. In the event of any business, asset, or share transfer, the Company may
also transfer your personal data to the acquiring party.
If the Company, in its judgment, determines that your behavior using the App poses a risk of
infringing the rights of others, the Company may disclose your personal data to protect the
legitimate rights of others.
If the Company is legally required by government administrative agencies or judicial units to
disclose your personal data, the Company may comply with such requests and provide your personal
Your Consent: The Company has informed you of the matters required by the Personal Data Protection Act. If
you refuse to consent to the Company's collection, processing, and utilization of your personal data, please
do not use any services of the App. If you continue to use the App, your continued use will be considered as
your consent to the Company's collection, processing, and utilization of your personal data. If the Company
is legally allowed to collect, process, and utilize your personal data (for example, in cases where there is
a contractual or similar contractual relationship between you and the Company, or your personal data is
obtained from generally available sources), the Company may collect, process, and utilize your personal data
regardless of whether you consent.
Consent and Authorization of Others: If you provide personal data of others (including but not limited to
the name, portrait, social activities, etc., of others) to the Company, you agree and warrant that the
personal data of others has been obtained with the necessary consent and can be provided to the Company for
collection, processing, and utilization within the necessary scope for specific purposes. If you are unable
to obtain the consent of the individuals whose personal data is provided, please do not provide the personal
data of those individuals to the Company. If you violate this provision, it constitutes a violation of the
App's Terms of Use, and you agree to bear legal responsibility according to the content of those terms.
Version 2.0
Publish Date: March 11, 2024